We provide extensive services in the mining of metals and minerals including in the full-life cycle of exploration, project development, project permitting, construction, operations, reclamation, and closure.
We offer support services for mining operations including development of surface water hydrological assessment plans, wastewater treatment plans (For tailings management), occupational health and safety plans, erosion control plans and resettlement action plans (RAPs). Hydro Concepts (U) Ltd has long been at the forefront of mineral subsurface innovation and surface facility engineering, supporting Clients with source-to-disposal water solutions. We help Clients optimise water resources, lower costs, and reduce risk.
Mining operations require high volumes of water for a range of surface and downhole applications, accounting for a significant proportion of minefield development costs. Optimal minefield water management requires knowledge of reservoir characteristics, production volumes, hydrogeology, engineering design, and environmental considerations. We have a deep understanding of the subsurface, combined with the unrivalled engineering experience necessary to address the technical aspects of mine water challenges.
From profiling water-bearing subsurface strata to the design of wastewater treatment and injection systems, we offer resilient water solutions to enable water to be sourced, processed, and disposed off in ways that safeguard local reserves and control project costs. We help operators meet the continuous needs of surface and downhole supply for minefield applications. We deliver continuity and compliant handling for low-impact, interruption-free operations, as we quickly identify viable water sources that meet operational and camp supply needs, and offer assistance with abstraction permit acquisition.
Our treatment facilities optimise water asset use through reuse of treated recycled water for industrial and agricultural applications. Alternatively, the treated water can be safely returned to aquifers and freshwater sources with confidence, while liquid waste can be disposed responsibly via deep injection wells.
Our Clients trust us to provide expert advice on water-related environmental and regulatory issues. Our hydrogeologists, engineers, and geochemists perform a wide range of environmental services, including site investigations, studies, and assessments and design remedial actions to deal with wastewater compliantly and cost effectively. Our approach aims to reduce the loading on biological systems while ensuring treated wastewater meets all discharge and reuse requirements.
Erosion monitoring.
We undertake the development of erosion monitoring procedures (for eroded areas) for mining sites. This involves visual monitoring of mining sites and other potential erosion sites at the end of wet seasons to identify erosion gullies and take remedial actions.
Water Quality and Flow Monitoring
We undertake monitoring of water quality in mines, to ensure any spills are contained and remediated with no adverse impacts to surface or groundwater resources. This is achieved through the following actions:
- Monitoring and control of acid mine drainage.
- Minimising impacts to groundwater quality and flow from the project.
- Vegetation succession monitoring and management.
- Groundwater quality monitoring.
- Surface run-off monitoring.
- Monitoring and management of pollution control facilities, i.e., the tailings dam trenches and return water dam (RWD), cut-off trenches.
- Post closure monitoring.
We also undertake the following consultancies in the mining sector:
- Development of resettlement action plans (RAPs) for PAPs.
- Development of progressive rehabilitation plans.
- Development of mine monitoring plans.
- Development of social plans (employees and communities).
- Development of decommissioning plans.
- Installation of surface and groundwater quality and quantity monitoring systems.
- Installation of dust deposition monitoring networks for air quality monitoring in mines.
- Undertaking of mine dewatering for flooded mining sites.
- Development of sediment and erosion control plans.
- Undertaking of geological and mining exploration surveys.
- Undertaking of water resources yield assessments.
- Integrated water resources planning and management.
- Development of flood hazard assessment and mitigation plans.
- Design and construction of stormwater management and drainage facilities.
- Water reconciliation strategies.
- Development of borefields.
- Design and construction of tailings treatment facilities, waste/tailings dump, and borrow pits.
- Subsurface utility engineering and supply of underground magnetic locators.
- Supply of selective catalytic reducers, oxidation catalysts and diesel particulate filters to reduce PM10 emission.
- Installation of recovery boreholes for retrieval of the effluent (Required if seepage through or below the embankments is recorded).
- Undertaking of environmental monitoring, auditing, and review.
- Environmental restoration projects.
- Mine remediation action programs.
- Mine groundwater treatment, in situ and ex situ treatment technologies.
- Detailed mine closure plans.
- Non radiological contaminated soils remediation.
Site characterization, water quality predictions, mine planning and mitigations, tailing storage facilities, mine reclamation and closure, site investigations and remediation, water treatment.