

We undertake consultancies in water, sanitation, and environmental sectors. We do deliver business-aligned solutions that endure the test of time. We ensure that our solutions and designs align with the multitude of regulatory policies and processes ever present in the water, sanitation, and environmental sectors.

Occupational Health & Safety

We undertake risk assessment and management for projects in the water engineering, sanitation, and environment sectors and develop occupational health and safety mitigation measures for the identified risks.


Our plumbing experts guide you in proper selection of plumbing fixtures and water conveyance systems, with regards to pressure, ensuring water conservation and leak protection through reliable pressures, and cost savings via water damage repairs to your house and property.


We deliver on the most appropriate irrigation technologies based on suitability to terrain and crop type drawing from a pool of most recognised methods of sprinkler, drip, or flood

Wastewater Management (Wastewater Treatment)

At HYDRO CONCEPTS (U) LTD, we help you select the most suited wastewater treatment method/process chain, optimally design it and undertake its construction. Our wastewater treatment specialists combine expertise in design and operation of biological, physical, and chemical wastewater treatment processes to meet our Clients’ needs for effective and efficient wastewater treatment facilities.


Drainage is the natural or artificial removal of a surface’s water and sub-surface water from an area with excess of water. Drainage works is critical to the efficient installation and design of below ground sanitary and storm water systems within and from a building, road, or concrete surface (street).

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